BBRMS 2: The huge school
A downloadable game for Windows
After 1 week of work on this map. It's finally here. Enjoy.
Again, if you want to be a part of this series. you can read this signup rule here: (Remember that I might add or change the rules.)
About modding my Baldi's basic random maps series:
You guys are feel free to mod my map as long as you gave a credit to me for the map you use to make a mod.
Paulor94 - Map creator
mystman12 - Creator of Baldi's basic
TheBaldiModder452 - Map Idea
TheBaldiModder452 - Made some new posters, textures, sprites, made Frannie and Math child character sprite, made Dave Microbot voiceline and Beepster character idea
G-Rex Studio - Made the Baldi model on the end slideshow
Nanes Potatoes - Made the Baldi model on the title screen and win screens
Olyan2 - Made some dithered texture
Zerra1010Zarra and AnastusTheModder - Made some loading screens and tips
Filename3 - Loading screen inspiration and the owner of some scripts
MariiBound2003 - Owner of the Marii and Gifttany characters
JohnBB06 - New BAL_MainMenu voice
MrDrnose - Owner of Laura and Lockpick item sprite
rapparep lol - Minimap and random item ideas
Fancy-graphics - Owner of her OC and her theme song
PlandyTheNatureDevil - Owner of his OC
TEMGamingYT225 - E4404 character idea
Zun - Owner of the Cirno sprites
BlakeDude7 - Shadow Baldi character idea
NiceGuy123(Bafan) - Made new Laura voiceline
CyndaquilDAC - Made water fountain prefab
Rosedoodles - Owner of her OC
Scott Cawthon - Owner of some sound effects
Nathan Foonugs - Water bucket item idea
ToffeeRecord - Made new Ice screen and Ice sprite
Development log
- V1.1 UpdateOct 16, 2020
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dude you pick the wrong game picture and how the heck if you get bb The huge school not respond bro
Hello old friend. I want to say that I like the Huge school map. I want to say that there is a bug but it is not a bug. when i play a lot if i collect all the items. suddenly the game does not respond to me.
Well I don't have the open source of that anymore so I can't go back to fix it. I also don't know what caused it either. Plus, I no longer doing Baldi mods.
now I want to say in which part of the code do I have to change baldi's fast speed when you make a wrong questions with math child?
I don't know
New thumbnails for your games.
ALSO : Here's a new title screen background for one of your games, One Night at Nooby : The Frosty Night!
Wow. Thanks
Wheres Beepster Spawn?
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Btw it is not illegal to put stuff from a paid game to a fan mod (unless it is not allowed). But what is illegal is those bootlegs on the app store.
your liar is a virus because
ik how i need to dwonload so i need the textures and ando
bro theres no virus. this is fine
its time to kick
odieBaldiGamerGoanimator off the tableDo not kick me!
Well I'm gonna do that if you keep spamming or wanted me to add something that I can't add. Remember if I said no to those stuff that you told me to add then it's a no.
Okay. I will not spam!
Please do it Zeruth Prizw, That's the spammer BaldiCreatorGoanimator
He already Banned him
0th Prize: You're goin' into orbit, you stupid spammer!
where ist the bbrms 1?
newer BBRMS is better
Yeah, but still, it's pretty good to look at the old BBRMS games.
Hey Paulor! cotepus in a halloween is spamming and saying so many bad word! Can you take care of cotepus in a halloween?
I think you're the one that spamming because judging from the amount of comments you made on this page right now and also stop asking me to add stuff from the paid game. I told you that The Test is the last thing I added from the paid game.
What?! No it wasen't me, Because cotepus in a halloween said the F Word at me! And plus, I am not asking for stuff from Baldi's Basics Plus! Please I am sorry!
Some of the stuff that you asked me to add are from the paid game which that also counts.
Okay! So, I am not going to ask the paid game anymore because the test is the last thing! Let me guess, I think You won't add Math Machine, new logo called smaimeter, new charater called TimTom And Dr. Refliex, and Poster called "When you have a will, don't say never! Just leave those thought!" Oh, and also, are you going to add a new event called Red Elevator is open or not? Because that Is not added from Full game
Quick Question! When Are you going to Release Baldi's Basics Random Map Series 1st Year Anniversary?
Return This Stuffs :D
Yeah, I think that may be a good idea.
did Paulor94 forget these items?
I can't wait for the BBRMS 1st year Anniversary about come in Tomorrow or The Day After Tomorrow!
Hey Paulor94! cotepus in a halloween is spamming and saying the F word!
im not spamming. you are so screw off punk
Okay! That's It! I am telling him Right now!
lol you make to many posts, i make less here. vyondtard
A question. Mrs Pomp Was Added in Baldi's Basics Challenges Map Demo!
shut up spammer
Please stop. I told you that The Test will be he last thing I added from the full game.
Where is T for The?
just shut the fuck up
WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!!??!?!
i don't like it when Paulor94 keeps disabling comments due to spamming. YOU ARE FUCKING MAKING SPAMMY QUESTIONS.
Question Paulor94! When are you going to make BBRMS 2 1st Aniversary and how many notebooks is it going to be?
Didn't you already got all the answers from TheTopHattedStickman?
Oh! It released in November 30 or November 19! I have to wait that long?
Oh an also Paulor94! The Mystery Room Event was Added In Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo! Not Baldi's Basics Plus!
If you don't STFU, Paulor94 will need to disable the comments.
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Hello random racism ceo I never meet you before you must perish.
Hey Paulor94, long time no see, so basically I have a question for you, the Baldi's Basics Crossover game, has not been update in a few months, or maybe even a year, care to explain why?
Well because I don't have time to come back to update on that game so I cancelled it due to because I don't have time. Sorry about that.
Well, at least change the status to Cancelled.
Well, It's been a month ago. When are you going to make a next map?
Well, the next map is going to be special because it's not only a remake of the Public Demo map, but it's supposed to be a celebration for BBRMS turning 1 year old. Also, it may be releasing on November 30th 2020, or sooner or later.
Really! I think it will release like this!
November 18 - 30
I think there will be a New Character called Ethan! And the new items is called, I don't know what that is
Yeah, there's gonna be a new character called Ethan.
That's What i thought!
Hey parlor can you port bbrms on android
Stop Spamming!
I'm not spamming, Mariobrosudeluxe3040 is spamming.
Which One Who is Spamming Paulor94?
Yea the tophated stickman is spamming
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ahaha baldi basics the best edition is getting on android sooN!!
that proof i not steal!!!
Oh, great, you again, advertising "your" mods. You just keep stealing mods from other people and claiming it as your own.
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if you think i worst steal there is worse steal. it no steal mods it steal real games!
I reported them.
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now i just making video on youtube.
i report too because it's bb plus
Guys! Piggy Book 2 Chapter 3 is finally out!
That's unrelated to BBRMS.
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I am not Spamming!
who cares
Paulor! Add Magenta Girl Because she is so beautiful and she is nice!
I think if he adds her, then this mod series will get hated. Besides, we already have Frannie the Fairy, and she has the same mechanic as Magenta Girl.
Oh come on TheTopHatterStickman! Magenta Girl is just giving you a Item! Not anything else!
But that's not the only reason. Magenta Girl was created in Gacha Life, and it's hated by quite a lot of people. So, I don't want Paulor94 to add her, then this series will get hated.
I don' t care! I want Paulor94 to add that so that will be a awesome series!
Well, to you, but not to me or the other fans.
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Question From The Custom Map:
Misson: Collect 15 Notebooks.
But what map is it?
a question.
you are going to try to add Mrs. Pomp????
Like he said, He is not going to add Mrs. pomp because that is the last thing from Baldi's Basics plus! So no more baldi's basics plus for specially characters, items, and a random event except for mystery room because that is added from kickstarter exclusive demo!
Hold On a Minute Paulor94! The Mystery Room Event was Added In Baldi's Basics Kickstarter Exclusive Demo!
this is the worst comment section i have ever seen
Yes.. like WTF there is a lot of spam lol
Also, all your BBRMS games are interesting and cute, lovin' those!
Just a reminder: Please don't spam people. Don't give Paulor94 a lot of work to do.
Ok, stop asking things from BB+ 'cause Paulor94 said he won't add anymore things from it. Also thanks for making Baldi's speed a bit slow when you get a problem wrong
Paulor94, How About Gravity Chaos Event? Because School Turn Upside Down!
Gravity Chaos Yeah!
I told you that The test is the last thing I added from baldi basic plus so no more stuff from Baldi basic plus will be added especially characters, random events, items.
What about Pencil Boy As A New Character And New Event Called Grumpy Principal And Send Someone a Detention And a New Items Called Hammer And Pencil To Hit Beepster To Use And Stab Someone with Pencil to ue? Is that Good By You? Because That is not from Baldi's Basics Plus.
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red: NO!! shut yo mouth. *kill you*
Stop Writing a Death Threat!
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stop spam!
I am not spamming! Because you wrote a death threat and now you are spamming!
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haha nO!
Remember Paulor94, on Nov 20 2020, we will be at Crystal Springs Mountain Lodge for a week, hope you do your work. ;)
I have an Map Idea For You Paulor94! On October 31st, make a Halloween school to put the character custom on! And It has 31 notebook because the day of the Halloween!
once he says: WOW! you found it! thanks so much! now i can point out chalkboards with it!
is that the actual voicer, or someone else saying that?
Well that voice is mystman12 voice and it was originally used in Boofies bunker.
Hey Paulor94! Are you going to add Mrs. Pomp as a character and Portal Poster as a Item Nd New Event Called Mystery Room Which The Items has inside called Portal Poster, Dangerous Teleporter, An Apple For Baldi, BSODA, and Thowble Teleporter when you are making a next map?
Uh... that might get him in trouble with Basically Games (The creator of Baldi).
i am pretty sure you are allowed to use them and may not get in any trouble but dunno B(
Oh okay.
Well probably not and I'm sure when I'm gonna make the next map and I promise to myself that the Test is the last thing I added from baldi basic plus
Well Okay then! I hope you can add a Character called Mrs. Pomp and new event called the Mystery room!
Could you please shut up and leave me alone
Shut Your mouth Mediocre Spammer Player! ☝😠
nope, he won't add it, i will, so i am working on something before installing Unity in the future.
idk if this worked but your cool. i know your not spam
Beepster Scream More than the SCP-096
I was hoping to have a more suitable map with all the posters inside the GIANT Principal office! excluding E4404 but not outside the Principal office. ;)
how creepy this killer alarm clock
BTW: The scream was SCP 096
Quick question! Where's the button on Beepster?
In the room that he's in. There's a big red button on the wall.
beeg rooi botton on a wall, quite interesting
This is a amazing mod I love the BBRMS series I love to play more of the chaotic maps.
Thank you. Glad you enjoy it.